Wednesday, June 01, 2011

What's Better Than This?

This is Emma.

She is happy!

Why? Because instead of sitting in front of the television last night, her mom, her grandpa and I all sat around the table and played Apples to Apples with her!  It was so much fun, and the enjoyment I got out of watching her laugh slapped me right into the Vortex of Joy!

We laughed, pointed fingers, cheered and clapped, and really had a wonderful time.
I hope to do more of that - connecting - making memories.
I look forward to having her with me all summer.

Things in my life are getting better these days.

Joe built out a safe house
in my son's attached garage,
in the hopes I would be able to sleep there.
It would be a fragrance-free place where I could control
the substances that make me sick.

I saw my specialist Thursday and he called last night with my bloodwork results.
Kidneys are a bit stressed so I need to drink more water.
The major thing was my Vitamin D levels, which should be around 50, but are at a low 12.
He prescribed high doses of D-3 until the levels come up.

With MCS, my body has difficulty absorbing and using Vitamin D from food.
The best source, according to my doctor, is the sun, and Portland, Oregon doesn't have much of that! In fact, it's now June 1 and raining cats and dogs outside.

He said that this explains why I feel so much better on those 3 month treks. 
I'm outdoors for 6 to 8 hours a day, 
absorbing natural sunlight and getting plenty of Vitamin D. 
Then once I stop trekking, 
my levels slowly divebomb and I begin feeling bad again. 
This made a lot of sense. 
Now if I could just convince my attorney 
and the folks at Disability 
that I NEED those treks for my health. 
I'm chomping at the bit to go walking now, 
but there's really no place in the USA that I feel as safe, 
and no place as well-supported as the Camino Santiago. 
So I'm looking into a walking club here, 
and will try to get some walking in 
as soon as the rain lifts.

The new futon I bought made me sick, sick, SICK!
Why, oh WHY do people use Febreze?
If they knew what it was doing to them...
Anyway, I covered the futon with a plastic cover, 
but that was no better, 
so I listed it on craigslist and it sold with a day. 

Joe helped me hang my Clark Hammock 
and now I'm sleeping like a baby. 
It's the most comfortable thing I've ever slept in. 
There are no pressure points, 
once it is correctly adjusted, 
and I have gotten over 8 hours each night since hanging it, 
which is amazing for me!
I also found a new potty chair at Goodwill, 
which makes nighttime potty breaks more convenient!

To top off the week,
Joe put a new breaker in for this Little House, 
so now I can make coffee and have heat at the same time
without tripping the electricity!

Life is good!

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