Monday, June 25, 2012

Giving Up on the Pelgrimspad

On the stretch from Amsterdamse Bos if you see this building you have gone off the route. You need to backtrack to the double arrowhead way marker. Then go left, not right.

I hope my posts will not discourage people from trying this route. It is spectacular. It just takes some extra planning and cash and we were not prepared. I would encourage anyone to do it. Just don't expect the kind of support you find on the Camino.

A person would be smart to know some Dutch, also, as booking lodging turned out to be a bit of a problem.

Jan's guide in English is very good. The maps are very helpful and the walking instructions are pretty good. I tend to take things literally and this led to some wrong turns. We also found a couple of mistakes but the purpose was to test it. If you would like to test the guide for him and are planning to walk soon, let me know.

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