Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Affordable Camino Consulting

Camino Consulting

Sometimes it's just not enough to read a guidebook.
It's nice to have someone to talk to who has actually walked the Camino.
Questions about what to take or not to take, how to find food and water, where to sleep and what your options are, bedbug issues - how to spot them and what to do, what equipment to buy, telephones, ipads, wi-fi, safety, and a host of other issues can be quickly covered in one-on-one sessions with me. 

I offer Camino Consulting sessions at an affordable price.
The sessions are available via telephone or Gmail Chat.
Skype is another possibility.

How it works:

1. Make an appointment with me via my website
2. Send me your payment.
3. Confirm our appointment.
4. We meet and chat !

If this sounds like something you'd like to do, 
send me a form from my website at
and let's get those questions answered!  
I'd love to be able to offer my help!

Buen Camino!

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