Friday, February 01, 2013

Kick Start Camino !

I often get emails from people who would like to walk the Camino, but just need some help getting started. 
Because of this, 
I decided to include an inexpensive option called,
 "Kick Start Camino."

You may begin your Camino in St. Jean Pied de Port 
or meet our group in Pamplona and travel with us to SJPP.

Walk with our group 4 days until we again reach Pamplona. 
By the end of 4 days on the road, 
you'll be experienced enough to go it alone. 
If not, you are free to continue walking with our group, 
but at your own expense.  
If you need more support, 
I will charge you 30 euros per day.

This offer includes the following:

  1. A monthly newsletter until departure. This is PACKED with helpful information to help you have a successful Camino.
  2. Packing list: based on our extensive experience, we will help you decide what to pack.
  3. PAID LODGING your first 3 nights (2 nights in SJPP; 1 night in Roncesvalles)
  4. Assistance at the Pilgrim's Office in SJPP (getting your Credential and shell)
  5. Help getting around SJPP for groceries, meals and other shopping
  6. Invitation to join our group for two meals; one at a restaurant and one making our own food in the albergue kitchen.
  7. Information covering blisters, bedbugs, pickpockets, backpacks, shoes, pharmacy needs, first aid, shopping, and many other topics.
  8. A Walking Booklet that covers your first week. Suggestions as to which guidebook to buy.
  9. Tourist information for a self guided tour of St. Jean Pied de Port and Pamplona.
  10. Experienced guide walking with you for the first 3 or 4 days on the trail.
  11. Basic trail navigation information: Waymarks and how to find them
  12. Trekking pole/walking stick information: Do you take one or buy one on the trail?
  13. Spanish language basics for pilgrims
  14. One on one at-home and on-the-trail coaching.
  15. Trip to the Correo (post office) if needed so you can see how it works.
  16. Daily Q & A to address questions as they arise
  17. Continued support via email as you need it before we leave and while on the Camino.
Cost:  350 Euros

For more information see my website:

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