Thursday, May 16, 2013

VDLP 2013: Living on the Camino

I met a lady and her dog this morning soon after leaving Alcuescar.
She was tucked into her tent
which she had erected inside a tiny stone building along the Camino.

This afternoon, she appeared at the Albergue, dog in tow.
When I asked her how she got the dog to Spain (she is German)
she said he is a Spanish dog.
When I asked how she will get him home,
she said 'The Camino is my home!'

She has been living on the Camino for three years!
 She just travels,
making the circuit of the various Camino routes.
She is a victim of the economy
and I guess, for her, this is a viable option.

She let me take her photo.
Her name is Petra and her pooch is Mambo.
 She is very nice and a good source of information.

I have to wonder how many others claim the Camino as their home?

Meanwhile, here are some photos of the albergue:


  1. Wow..that's amazing. I guess if one is homeless, being homeless on the Camino is better than in a big, cold, uncaring city. Hope she stays safe and warm

  2. She's become a gypsy - maybe that's not such a bad way to be. Don't think I'd last too long :)


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