Friday, June 07, 2013

A Sad Day

I am shocked and saddened. 

I have just learned that an old Camino friend, Philip Wren, aka Methodist Pilgrim, died in his sleep on the Camino at Navarette on May 2. 

Phil was a Methodist minister from Liverpool who had the most loving, calming nature. He helped many pilgrims along the Way and was known for his gentle peaceful way of diffusing situations. 

He was especially supportive of me in my lengthy disability fight, having diabetes himself and having had to fight for benefits. 

I'm just in shock, honestly. I knew Phil was walking a bit ahead of me and hoped maybe we would share a drink or dinner along the way. 

I took a bus to Leon before learning of this. Last night i went to the Cathedral to  light a candle for MP but alas, no candles. And so I attended Mass instead.

 I will light candles along the remainder of the Way and will say a special prayer at Santiago for Phil. I imagine he is waiting there to welcome all of us as we arrive. 

Please take a moment, whatever your religion or belief, and send loving thoughts to the family of my friend, Phillip Wren. 

The world has lost a peacemaker and Heaven has gained another pilgrim, a Methodist one. 

Buen Camino, Phil!

We will miss your sweet spirit. 
May your family find peace in knowing how many lives you have blessed. 

Love, Annie

P.S.  I will post Phil's photo when I return home. I'm unable to upload it on this phone for some reason. 


  1. That is very sad Annie. My condolences. God bless your friend and I'm sure from what you say that there'll be clapping in heaven for Phillip Wren. To die a Methodist pilgrim :) arrr, what better way to go meet Jesus.

  2. Annie, I am so sorry this happened. I had such a friend whose Memorial I attended today. She was an exceptional human being and touched so many lives through her love and compassion. Your friend, Philip Wren sounds like he did the same. My thoughts are with you.


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