Wednesday, June 05, 2013

To Boadilla

This morning began with a hill and ended with a hill. The first hill, however, was quite steep and a heck of a workout!  But after my nice sleep I was ready. 

Two pilgrim shrines spoke of those who had fallen, one at the midway point and one just over the top.

The views reminded me of a green patchwork quilt.
The gown of the Earth Mother. . . greens, browns, reds, and golds.

I thought I would stay at San Nicholas, but once more the Camino had a different plan. It was just too early to stop walking. I took a few photos. The pump we used to get our eater had been removed but the concrete ULTrEIA sign was still there.

I continued on.  

Crossing the river I stopped to listen to a wee frog singing for a mate. He was well hidden in the greenery, but I found him. Then I saw a sign that told me maybe I should be singing too?

By noon, the sun was harsh and I was thankful for the scarf I bought in Burgos. Using it as a cape/umbrella, it caught each breeze and cooled me. After all the cold and rain, I won't complain about the sun!  I've heard we may have rain again by Friday. 

I'm now at Boadilla at one if the sweetest albergues I have found. But that is for another post. 

1 comment:

  1. What an interesting area! Wonder what inspired the love sign? Nice photos btw.


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