Friday, October 04, 2013

Meeting Up With Camino Friends

Tonight, I'm meeting up with Linda and Patty from one of our AnnieWalkers 2012 Camino groups!

Linda in her Altus Poncho

Patty makes a friend
Since their Camino, both ladies have been busy!

Linda quit smoking and is running in Portland this weekend.
Patty has been volunteering on the new Walking the Camino documentary.

Walking the Camino is playing in Portland, Oregon right now at the Hollywood Theater.
Click here to see the latest trailer:
Walking the Camino

I'll learn more tonight and post any updates and news!

Our 2014 trip is shaping up for May/June.
We have 4 open spots if anyone is interesting in walking with our group.
Joe Walsh will be leading the group.

Walking with a group is not only a way to experience the Camino with the support of others, it is a way to make lasting friendships like the one between Patty and Linda and I.

I hope you will consider walking with us in 2014!

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