Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Starting to Train for Camino 2014!

Today, Patty invited me to a 9 mile walk in Vancouver.

We left Portland about 9:30 am.
It was overcast, foggy, and COLD!

This was a Volkswalk and was very well attended.
There were 3 sections, and each section was 3 miles.
That's 4.82 kilometers, for those of you who think in metric.

I walked two sections, so just over 6 miles or 9.65 kilometers.
That's about half of what I usually walk in a day on the Camino.

It was enough.

It was so cold, that the hip I injured a couple of years ago
really began complaining.

So I decided I'd take it easy my first day out.

I think these cold Oregon winters are not going to agree with me.
I miss the desert heat.

But, for this year, I'll continue to walk and train with Patty.
The Volkswalks are very convenient.
And I am happy with myself for getting out of the house.

Looks like the next Volkswalk is on January 18.
It's the Hillsboro Loops and Soup walk.
It's a 10k walk, so should be perfect.

Between now and then, I'll walk on my own,
as well as start some classes at the community center.

Time to get in shape!

If you're looking for walks in your area,
check out

Buen Camino!

1 comment:

  1. Annie,
    I'm intrigues that they have volksmarching in Oregon. Years ago, when my husband and I were based at Lackland AFB in San Antonio, we got interested in the weekend walks. Later, we actually began our own Volksmarching club outside of Pittsburgh, PA called the Rainbow Walkers. That was in the late 1970's. We were very impressed with the National President at that time made a special trip just to walk our walk. I loved volksmarching and our kids were taken many miles in strollers with us as we traipsed through many wonderful walks in Texas. I so look forward to meeting you one day and talk about VMs in Oregon.


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