Monday, February 03, 2014

Beautiful Desert Skies

We arrived in Desert Hot Springs last Sunday after a short stop to visit my mother.
The weather last week was hot,
but this week we've had a few days of high wind and cold.

Despite that, 
we've managed to walk almost every day
in the desert behind the park.

Much of the day has been working alongside Joe
getting ready for our Camino in May.

I am not able to sit at the computer for hours,
and so he does much of the actual typing
while I dictate from the shadow!

Our plan this year is to fly into Madrid,
bus to Caceres,
and pick up walking where I left off last year.

We have managed to book lodging in nearly 
every place that allows reservations.
We will be available by Spanish phone by the end 
of the first week in May.

We should reach Pamplona a day ahead of our walking companions.

In the meantime, 
I'm really enjoying the beautiful desert skies.
Dawn is spectacular,
as is dusk.

And the stars… incredible.

My MCS does well here 
as long as I stay out of the buildings.

I'm looking forward to walking the Camino again.
Stay tuned...

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