Saturday, May 03, 2014

Give yourself some time ...


We are sitting at breakfast thinking, "we can't believe it's been 3 days since we left!"

The decision to begin walking the day after arrival was not a good one for us, and I would advise giving yourself at least two sleeps to recover from jet lag if flying to Spain from the West Coast.

One thing we did decide was that we really liked breaking the flight into two 6-7 hour legs by stopping in Philadelphia and having a two hour layover to get up and walk around instead of that long flight directly from Los Angeles. Next trip we may even take a day or two to visit a city on the east coast before continuing.

Today I feel great!  I was worried I would be hobbling, but so far, so good.   

This hotel seems to have a pumpkin theme. I asked about is and was told the ownner's wife comes from a pumpkin growing family in Serbia. 

Pumpkin Painting at hotel
And one of the famous pumpkins!

This morning we will visit the Basilica built by the Mendoza family. They also built the castle in Manzanares. 

Then we will continue on . . .

1 comment:

  1. Reading your entry again makes me very glad we planned a full day in Pamplona and another full day in SJPdP. we’ll be well rested by the time we start our walk!!


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