Friday, May 09, 2014

To Santa Maria Real

Thursday, May 8. 

Today's walk was through verdant fields of wheat and pine forest. 
 Another beautiful day. 

Beautiful blue skies!

Lots of wildflowers!
Pine forest up ahead

In the forest, they had scarred each tree and were harvesting the sap or resin. 
The smell of the pine resin was wonderful!

The walk took us through two other villages. 
Añe had at least two good cold fountains and the next hamlet had two also. 
So you don't need to carry much water. 

Walking into Añe

Joe at the info board in Añe

There is a good cold fountain here

Taking a break
My poor hot feet! That's dirt, not bruising.

Leaving Añe

We slept at Santa Maria Real de la Nieva. 
The small albergue there is clean and well equipped. 
There are 4 bunk beds for a total of 8 beds. 
Hot water showers and a functioning kitchen 
makes this a nice place to sleep. 

Walking into Santa Maria Real

Albergue at Santa Maria Real de la Nieva

We shared the place with 3 other pilgrims

A nice bathroom and shower

A good kitchen for cooking!

To reach the albergue go straight through the town, 
following the flechas amarillas until you get to Calle Fuente Santa. 
Turn left. 
Albergue is on the left. 

There is a nice little market a few meters down from the church. 
The church cloister is exceptional, free, and worth a visit. 
The church was closed but opened for morning mass at 8 am. 
I will post photos in the next blogpost. 

We found no wifi here. 
But that's ok.
Sometimes it's nice to just have peace...

1 comment:

  1. I met a woman this week who was surprised when I said how much I loved this wee albergue. Funny how different perspectives can be.


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