Saturday, April 11, 2015

What's Going On In Anniesantiago's Life?

A few weeks ago we got news that my younger brother was in Stage 4 Liver Failure. I picked up my mother and drove her to Santa Maria to see him.

It was a shock, to say the least.

My brother has shrunk down to nothing.
He is having trouble standing, walking, and is in constant pain.
It breaks my heart.

I got a call yesterday.
We're moving Mike to my mother's home.
She is in her 80's and unable to care for him alone.
So I'm taking a train down to California today to help care for him until we can get him into VA hospital or until we can get hospice care at home.

The strong feeling that I should not make plans to walk the Camino this year are now clearer than ever. It's important I be home during this hard time for our family.

It's hard to watch someone you love shrivel up and fade away...
If you pray, please pray for our family, my mother especially, and Mike.

If you send energy, we could use a bundle of it.
We're all fairly exhausted.

And if you're walking the Camino, please take prayers to St. James for a quick and easy passing for my brother.

Mike about 20 years ago

Last month


  1. Our prayers and loving embraces are with you and with all your family.

  2. I'm so deeply sorry .... keeping your family in my prayers.



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