Tuesday, December 01, 2015

To Boadilla

2013 Spring

I loved staying in Boadilla.
This albergue, 
called "En El Camino" 
is a wonderful place.
The dorms are tight, but sufficient,
and they have really good food in the restaurant.
I would stay here again in a minute!

Here are some photos.
Click to enlarge, as usual.

Graffiti along the way

The wildflowers...

I wore my scarf to keep the sun off.

No caption needed!

A shepherd and his flock

Part of the yard at the "En El Camino" Casa Rural in Boadilla

Interesting sculptures in the yard

This is a farm implement dragged by horses or mules to thresh grain and for other purposes

The dorms are in here

The storks were busy with their hatchlings

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