Thursday, February 11, 2016

O Cebreiro to Sarria Spring 2012

This poor fellow was in a bicycle basket and he was not happy.

Waiting for the sunshine

Leaving Samos

A beautiful walk!

Can you see me?

Farm and Roses

Happy Cows

Small Village

When you see a tiny chapel, peek inside... these are "kneelers"

Waymark  :)

I have to say hello to the chooks!

Love is where you find it!

Camino Angel

Watch for those waymarks!
The weather is so different in Spring!  The wildflowers are just fantastic, the spring rains refreshing, and everything is clean and new. My favorite time to walk!

Need help planning your Camino? 
Don't want to walk alone? 
Don't want to race for a bed?
Walk with us in a small group or alone.
Booked lodging!

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