Friday, April 22, 2016


San Sebastián Church had a beautiful altar    
The statues in Spanish churches are often life sized and are made to evoke emotion in a population, many of whom could not read. 
Next, I made a stop at the museum. 
Price was €3 and after a comical interaction with the receptionist
who insisted the ASEOS were only for customers,
(I had asked for una SELLO)
I finally made my way in. 
I was the only patron that morning. 
Some of my favorite pieces :
The Young Man Who Illuminates Us is a bronze statue, life sized, found in 1952 in Antequera. 
It is from the 1st Century. 
Jose Maria Fernandez painted this picture of his daughter, Dolores, with a china doll. 
The doll was on display. 
 I liked his drawings of a satyr and of a priest the moment he was touched by death. 
This statue of the sleeping child Jesus by Diega Marquez y Viega made me chuckle. 
Next blog post will be a few photos of the white city. 

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