Sunday, April 10, 2016

What We Do

The video below
 is one of the most beautiful videos 
on the Camino 
I have seen in a while.

When friends and relatives ask, 
"What do you DO on the Camino?" 
this should explain it a bit better.

To me, in 2016, 
walking the Camino is a lot 
like going to Woodstock was 
for hippies in the 60's.  
It is a Rite of Passage. 
It is a place of comradery. 
You meet people, tell them you were there, 
and they exclaim, 'I did it too!" 
and suddenly you are family. 
You understand each other.

I have a deep respect 
and a great love for the Camino.
It has healed me on so many levels.

It continues to heal pilgrims.
It will heal you too.
You will find answers on the Camino, 
if you don't take things 
that distract you from thinking.

One step in front of the other, 
under the blue skies, 
the thunderclouds, 
the rain, 
the snow, 
and the stars... 
one step in front of the other 
while the wind blows the dross from your mind 
and makes you realize 
how cluttered your life has become.

When you return home, 
you know how happy a person can be 
with just what can be carried on the back.

You are like a snail
 - with your home on your back - 
and it's liberating!

Don't let people discourage you.

You can do it.

Just show your worried relatives this video
posted below.

Then go.

Buen Camino!

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