Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Home, Sweet Home!

Well, I'm back from the desert and finally settling into home. I really missed my family and friends and I REALLY missed my studio!

Here are some of the dolls I've been working on the past few weeks. You can see them in my Etsy shop at

First is Sherry. A sweet little African American doll, she has dark auburn hair and is dressed in a brand new outfit by Fairlightdolls, also on Etsy.  Her boots were hand made by me.

Next is Rusy, my little redhead. Red headed Bratz dolls are a bit more difficult to find so when I do, it's a happy day. Rusty is all dressed up in Spring Yellow.  She is also wearing an outfit by Fairlightdolls.

Sunny is a sweet little blond. She is wearing handmade boots by me, and a Fairlightdoll outfit.

Misty is my little ice skating star. She wears an original Bratz skating outfit, which has been sanitized and upcycled. Included is a pair of white Bratz boots for after skating.


I have lots of dolls to get ready, so stay tuned, and please tell your friends about Freckle Farm Dolls!


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