Sunday, October 15, 2017

My Van Dwelling Winter - The Cost to Set Up

Someone on Facebook asked how much I was spending to get set up for my Winter Van Dwelling trip.  I've been selling extra books and items to pay for the new things I need. Here is what I've purchased, and I'm finished, I think:

Butane Stove $35

Butane 4 cans $5

Battery Shower $39

Pop Up Shower/Toilet Tent $39

Luggable Loo Seat $12

Stanley Thermos to cook in  $25

Aero Press Coffee Press  $24

Reflectix for my windows  $27

Shade Sox for back windows $19

and a couple of Tarp poles $22

That's it.

Oh, yeah, and a Luci Light for $11:

So $258 total.

I will have no rent, no utilities to pay.
Gas will be minimal in my Mercury Tracer.
Food will be much less than cooking at home.

I'm pretty satisfied.

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