Thursday, May 24, 2018

To Pamplona 2018

This year I discovered KT tape. Looking on YouTube and finding instructions, I kept my legs before leaving Zubiri this morning. It worked great! I had absolutely no problems with my shins and no problems walking all the way in to Pamplona today.

Therese still has quite a blister on her heel so Diana helped her tape it up.

Las Peregrinas. This really is a Kodak moment! What a wonderful group of women!

Right after the village of Akerreta (Eskirotz) is this wonderful Abby that they recently discovered. A group is doing an archaeological dig here and it’s quite fascinating because they’re finding both pagan and Christian symbolism down it about the 1300 year level.

To me, it’s really worth stopping and looking at it, and if you can donate one or two euros it would be very helpful. You could also get a nice stamp here for your credential

As I approach this Appaloosa ranch, I thought I was seen as zebra! But these are a particular strain of Appaloosa pony here in Spain.

There is a nice bar in Zurrain if you fancy a coffee or a beer. Their soup was quite good also!

Once I cross the drawbridge I was really happy to be in Pamplona again. We went out one of my favorite bars near the cathedral for dinner and this was the wonderful desserts they serve me.

Soon upon arrival I met up with our newest member, Jo Gray. This morning we went to travel agency to get her ticket from Santiago to Madrid which she was very happy to finally have settled. I think she will fit in with this fun group of women quite nicely!

Today my plan is to rest for most of the day, although I will be visiting the Museu Navarre later this afternoon. Tomorrow we climb El Perdon, then on to Puente la Reina. The weather is looking wonderful and we feel blessed!

1 comment:

  1. Annie, you are posting of things I've not seen from Zubiri to Pamplona. The Appaloosa and her colt are beautiful. Glad to hear the weather is good.


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