Sunday, June 17, 2018

The Penis Church Santa Maria de Leboreiro

Many pilgrims walk right on past the Church of Santa Maria de Leboreiro. But I’ve discovered a secret there that I like to show my pilgrims, mostly to see if any have an educated explanation for the carved penis decorating its wall.

Yup that’s right. 
There’s a penis on the wall of the Church. 
Fertility symbol!?
Power symbol?!
Anyone know for sure?

The rest of the little Church is quite pretty inside. 
We did notice a young woman and old man snickering a bit as they noticed us noticing the carving. What’s up with that?  Lol!

One of the few black-haired Madonna and Jesus statues I’ve seen in Spain. 

Some pretty graphic frescos of Jesus being flogged. 


1 comment:

  1. I’ve read that some of the bestial or lurid images carved on the outside of romanesque churches symbolize the church as sanctuary (inside) from the sin and worldliness outside. Think a walled garden, Eden, and outside of it exile.


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