Saturday, June 16, 2018

To Ventas de Naron

We began by crossing the river to get back onto the Camino.

We decided to pick up trash along the Camino today - and soon had a volunteer to help us. Barbara from Mexico took a sack and agreed to pick up the left side of the trail while I took the right side.

This is all the trash I picked up from Portomarin to Gonzar. It was pretty depressing. 

Pilgrims, and especially WOMEN!!!
Carry your pee-pee paper out with you!
It’s disgusting to leave it on the side of the trail!
It does NOT just disappear!

Later we passed this cross:

We took a snack break. 

Someone discarded their boots in a tree. 

Lunch at Gonzar. 

A beautiful old horreo (pronounced just like Oreo)
Used to store dried corn. 

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