Monday, February 25, 2019

Making a Toilet Paper Campfire

It's dark and chilly and you have no wood for a fire.
What do you do?

Well, if you're a bunch of silly nomads, 
you'll gather supplies and make yourself a toilet paper fire!

You will need:

1) A nice fat roll of toilet paper, 
the more firmly packed, the better.

2) A METAL coffee can with any paper removed from outside:

3) Some Rubbing Alcohol, 
the higher the content the better, 70-90%

4) Matches or Lighter


1) Take the cardboard out of the center of the toilet paper.

2) Stuff the full roll of toilet paper down into the coffee can.

3) Pour the entire bottle of alcohol onto the TP

4) Give it some time to absorb

5)  Light it and enjoy!

This fire will burn for quite some time, 
well over an hour, 
longer if you continue to add alcohol
until the paper is entirely charred.

If you don't need to completely burn the TP to ash,
then let it cool down,
pop on the lid,
and use it again tomorrow.

Here we are at Cibola
enjoying our "campfire!"

Thanks Nelda, for this awesome idea!

Happy Trails!

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