Monday, February 25, 2019

More About Bathing in the Minivan

Bathing and hair washing is one issue van dwellers have to face and figure out. I've shown you my system for taking a bath in a previous post. But if I'm not boondocked, I often will use Starbucks or some other public bathroom where the main door can be locked (important) to clean up.

Here is what I take along:

I start with a pretty cloth bag. This one is new looking and holds a LOT!  To others, it could just be my purse, and in fact, I keep my change purse in here when I go into Starbucks, along with my laptop and cord, so they don't suspect anything.

I carry a microfiber washcloth in a ziplock bag.  When I get back to my van, I hang it on my main door bungie to dry out. The microfiber dries quickly.

I carry a microfiber towel.  
It is super absorbent and dries very quickly 
when hung up in the van on my bungie.

I've tried terrycloth towels, but they take forever to dry 
unless you're in nice hot weather.

This is the brand of microfiber towel I bought. A little spendy, but worth every cent. I've had trouble with microfiber towels not being absorbent enough.  This one is great!  I love it! I carry it with me on the Camino when backpacking also.
Small, but powerful!

I picked up this men's shaving kit at Goodwill, brand new, for $2.99.
It holds all my necessities, 
such as deodorant, toothbrush and paste,
soap (in a plastic travel soapdish),
face cream, etc.
The yellow thing is a scrubber washcloth 
I bought at an asian store. 
I love that thing!

I also carry a small empty plastic cup for pouring water over my head.

I put a clean pair of panties and bra, if needed,
into the bag.
I wear my clean clothes including socks, into the facility.

I just saunter into Starbucks,
order a coffee,
then ask for the bathroom code.

I go in and enjoy their nice hot water.
I wash my hair first,
in the sink.
Using the cup I get my head wet,
soap up with my DOVE soap
(my hairdresser said it will help my hair grow in thicker)
then rinse using my cup.

Then I just take a bath from the top down,
using my soapy washcloth,
then rinsing.

I take off my shoes and stand on 2 paper towels.

Feet go into the sink last
(I'm flexible).
Then I wash out my cloth real good
and put it back into the plastic bag.
It can hang out to dry when I'm back at the van.

All of this takes less than 7-8 minutes,
and that's no longer than some folks use the bathroom
for a BM, so I don't worry too much about it.
I do tend to get into Starbucks early,
around 5:30 am when they open,
so they're usually not busy at all.

That's it!
Bathing on the Run.

By the way, you CAN check out various places for showers.
YMCA will often have cheap shower hours.
At Tillamook, showers at YMCA are only $1.
Some tourist town hotels will offer showers.
Up in Washington, I found showers for $3 and $5.
Public swimming pools will have showers.
Community Centers sometimes have showers.
And then there's always the gym...
Planet Fitness is inexpensive to join
if they have facilities in your area.
Truck stops will have showers,
but they can be spendy at $12-$15.
The nice thing is there's no time limit.
Your senior center might know of a place,
as may a local church.

Go check out what's available near you.
And remember, it never hurts to ask.

Happy Trails,

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