Monday, February 25, 2019

Tillamook Meetup 2017

July 2018

I spent the last several days at the Tillamook Meet Up 
which was held at the Tillamook Airport RV Park.  
It felt like a big family reunion 
with so many wonderful friends to reconnect with!

I arrived on Sunday afternoon. 
Two rigs were already there. 

By the next day, people began arriving.

Gary and Izzy from Southern CA

Bob from New York

Jane and Marty were there


Merle from Beaverton, Oregon

Bob and Suanne were there

Mustang Sally from Florida 
Pat from Portland

Kenny, Pat, and Sally

Lora from Florida and Debbie 
Karylee was there, ready to party!

There were no workshops, no meetings. 
It was just a group of like minded folks 
reconnecting, relaxing and having fun!  

There were conversations about everything you can think of 
having to do with this lifestyle.

The RV park was right next to the Tillamook Airport 
and we were able to spread out nicely in the big grassy field.  
There was a toilet and garbage dumpster and water.

There were a variety of rigs there, 
from schoolies to Roadtreks to vans.

Jane and Marty brought a birthday cake and we celebrated Jerry's birthday.
Everyone was so excited to see Jerry and Nelda! 

Chocolate!  YUM!

 There were showers available at the local YMCA for $1!

 Jane and Marty bought an EZ Up at the local Goodwill and buddy I was happy!
I don't usually burn, but that sun was HOT!

 I ended up leaving a couple of days early because I was sunburned.
I couldn't stand another minute of crispiness!
People will stay "until" they're ready to leave. 

It was a lot of fun and I'm so happy I attended!
I'm looking forward to reconnecting with a lot of these folks
at the Women's RTR in Quartzite in January
and at the regular RTR.

I'd really like to find a group of folks
traveling around the Pacific Northwest this summer,
once I get my van sorted out.
After spending $1500 last week getting a new computer put in,
the damned TRAC lights are going on again,
this time telling me the Traction is OFF.
In addition, I woke up to no turn signals yesterday.
So I've got an appointment with the Toyota folks in Hillsboro
tomorrow morning.

Yesterday afternoon, I left the Tillamook Meet
and traveled up to Seaside.  

I stopped for some yummy fried oysters along the way!

I parked at The Cove for the night. 
There is a stretch of parking in front of some apartments,
so I took a chance.

I had a nice quiet night,
 and this morning I'm sitting in Starbucks, 
enjoying a cup of coffee 
and looking for a shower and campground for the night.

Life is good!

Hope to see you on the road!


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