Monday, February 25, 2019

Tomorrow, Oatman!

I had thought that I was going to head east from here at Cibola and travel all the way over to 191 passed Wilcox in southern Arizona. But the one thing I’ve learned while vanning is that you need to be ready to turn on a dime. And the weather has taken a strange twist. We’re in the middle of a heat wave. The weather is a bit too hot for me to move east right now so I decided to go ahead and go north to Oatman tomorrow and start traveling backwards along old route 66.  If and when the weather turns too cold I’ll just head south again.

 Today was a great day.  We spent some time target shooting.

I can’t with my good friend Vern last night. We had an exciting midnight went a burro came out of nowhere and started braying quite loudly near my van.  Scared the poop out of me. At first I thought it was Vern playing a joke but once I realized it was an animal I was a little afraid to go outside. We texted back-and-forth and finally came outside to try to see it but by then it was gone.  I fell back asleep and dreaming about boroughs and dinosaurs chasing me through strange buildings.

 Vern cooked us a nice breakfast of French toast and bacon and so I reciprocated by making chicken curry for dinner. I bought the seasoning packets at the food market in Parker and I carry the coconut milk with me.  I buy it on Amazon and today I learned that the seasoning packets can be purchased there also so I’m going to buy a case of each because it makes such an easy meal to share with others. I just cut up one potato and one sweet potato and one onion and used a can of chicken with the curry paste and the coconut milk and Buddy was it good!

I’ll be saying goodbye to another good friend tomorrow.

Being a nomad it’s a lot of fun , but it does have its poignant moments.

I’ll miss you, Mr. Vern.

Happy Trails!


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