Monday, February 25, 2019

Van is Fixed!

I took my car into Taylor Automotive in Blythe, California early in the morning and was there when they opened. I was lucky to have Dennis Taylor, the owner, there to take a look.  He hooked up a machine to check the codes and had a puzzled look on his face. There were WAY too many issues showing up and I got a sinking feeling in my gut. Dennis said, "Don't worry until we know something for sure," so I relaxed a bit. I decided to go up the road for breakfast and leave the van in their good hands.

A woman was paying for her repairs when I mentioned breakfast and she asked if I'd like to go with her. Her name was Philly, and she'd just returned from the Women's RTR!  Philly offered me a ride to a nearby restaurant, Cakes and Steaks, and I accepted.  We had a nice visit and a yummy breakfast, and I said goodbye and walked back to the shop.

When I arrived, I was met with the news that what I needed was a new battery! The battery in the car was the ORIGINAL battery... from 2003!  
That old battery was tired and was causing the door not to open and the lights to go off on the dashboard.

I asked about the fluttering noise. 
He said he hadn't heard it but he opened the hood and began looking.
And there in the corner was a bolt on the motor mount,
so loose it was about ready to fall off.
Whomever had worked on the car before I bought it from the dealer
had failed to tighten it down and the motor was vibrating 
when I stepped on the gas.
Double Whoah!
Dennis tightened the bolt and the noise disappeared.

Next I asked him to check the fluids.
And Holy Hell!
There wasn't a DROP of oil in the engine!

I was embarrassed and flabberghasted!
I mean, I JUST bought this van from a dealer,
and never in my wildest dreams expected to have to put oil in it
in such a short time.
I dodged a bullet on that one.
I could have been replacing an entire engine!

Dennis added all the required oil
and Sophia the Van was still purring.
 I was still on the road.
Thanks to my lucky stars!

The repairs were right around $200.
It could have been so much worse!

Thank you Universe!

Lesson in Van Living:
Check water and oil at least twice a week!



PS:  Turns out it was NOT the battery.
Stay tuned.

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