Tuesday, June 04, 2019

Holy Morton's Neuroma!

I was hoping to possibly lead another group this year sometime, but two things have decided against walking the Camino this season:

1) I developed a Morton's Neuroma on my right foot, and it's VERY painful to walk. I really don't want surgery so I'm just treating it at home and praying it will resolve by next season.

2) My mother fell and broke her hip, her femur, and 3 ribs and she needs me here to care for her. I've been at her house since March, when I slept in the St. Jose hospital parking lot in my van while she had her surgery to repair the leg. I'm now in her house until she gets off the walker and can be alone.

So if at all, it looks like perhaps I'll walk NEXT season.

I have taken the Anniewalkers website down for now. Once I know I'll be taking another group, I will put it back up and notify people here, but I was getting so many requests and it got sad having to tell folks I wasn't taking a group this year.

Van life has been wonderful. Can't wait to get back on the road. My mom should be ok to leave by next month so I'm hoping to head home to Portland, Oregon to visit my kids and grandkids by the first week in July.

I guess that's all the news for now. Thank you all who continue to follow me. I promise to get back on the trail sometime soon.

Until then,
Buen Camino!


  1. Use metatarsal pads. They provide relief and help healing. There's a clinic in MA that specialized in Mortons Neuroma: https://www.mortonsneuroma.com/.

    1. Thanks. I've been doing that. Regarding the clinic, unfortunately I am on the other coast :)


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