Thursday, December 12, 2019

Don't Check Your Bags

I STRONGLY suggest that you do not check your bags to Spain. If nothing else, carry anything you will need on the Camino on board. I have had several clients who ignored this tip end up with no luggage in Madrid. The bags were lost and one pilgrim had to replace everything in Madrid. He didn't get his bags returned until 2 weeks into the trip. Pack light and take it on board with you.

I can't advise this strongly enough.

I also suggest you buy walking sticks there. If you don't want to do that, you can wrap up your sticks and check them. Although you MIGHT be allowed to carry them onboard on your way TO Spain, you will have to check them coming back because they most likely will not be allowed through the checkpoint in Spain. Joe has had his sticks confiscated and boy, was he P.O.'d!

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