Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Breast Surgeon Appointment

Today I managed to get an appointment with one of the most respected Breast Surgeons in Portland, Oregon!  Her name is Dr. Nathalie Johnson and she is a breast cancer thriver herself! I've spoken with more than one person who has seen her and loved her. I'm sure I'll lover her too! Plus, we BOTH lived in St. Thomas, USVI!

My appointment is on February 10 so it's getting close to Camino time.  Let's hope she gives me the ok to take some time to mull over my options! Keeping my fingers crossed!

Still reading "The Metabolic Approach to Cancer" and feeling more and more strong about continuing on clean KETO.

With the right diet and the everyday long distance walking on the Camino, I'm feeling very positive about healing from this.  I've often carried other people's prayers to Santiago. This year I'll be including my own.


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