Monday, May 25, 2020

Jean Luc

My portrait of Jean Luc is coming along. 
Tomorrow I'll work on the chest fur 
and then do the highlights 
and I may be finished by Wednesday!

I took the steri-strips off of my incision today. 
They were just driving me mad.
Those, along with the feeling
that I have wash cloths rolled up and 
stuck under my arms -
I had to make something better,
and the steri-strips were the only thing
I had control over.

The incision is healing nicely.
It's a little scary having the steri-strips off,
but I feel less bound up.

This week I'm packing up
and getting ready for my temporary move 
to Portland.
Joe has been kind enough to rent me his condo
for a few months 
while I go to physical therapy and finish healing.
I'm not sure how long that will last -
we'll just play it by ear,
but I'm expecting to stay at least 2 months,
maybe longer.

It will be nice to have my 'own' space again,
where I can get back on my diet,
take my supplements more regularly,
and stretch and do yoga and weight training
to get back my strength.

Oregon is beautiful this time of year,
and I'm really enjoying it!
Thanks to Cameron and Michael
for taking care of me before, during, and after my surgery!
I'm going to miss them,
and I'm going to miss my "grand-dogs,"
Data and Jean Luc!

Life is good!

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