Saturday, April 16, 2022

St. Ignatius Cave

I’m sorry these photos are out of order. It’s impossible to do blogging on this phone. Anyway this is a photo with Joe showing you how huge is mosaics are. It was meant to go at the bottom but I cannot move it. Also it is not letting me enlarge some photos so if you want to see a larger photo, click on it and it should enlarge

 Yesterday Joe and I took a visit to Saint Ignatius cave.  It was opulent. We got there early and missed the crowds so that was nice.  Here are some of the photos we took

Crosses carved by Ignatius. 

Joe inside the cave



Closeup of foot. Something you may not know is that when you’re painting human skin you should use greens because of the way the blood in the blue veins is changed a green by the red or pink of the lighter veins closer to the surface. I think it’s cool that they use green in his foot and I love the detail

Entrance had signs telling you to be silent. 

The Sanctuary had Christ’s statue shrouded for Good Friday to show he is dead. 

The Sunflower represents how we should face the sun (Christ) always 

Beautiful Mosaic saying basically that all good things come from above and fall on us via the rays of the sun (Christ) like water from a fountain. Hermetic. 

Adam and Eve. Below they are in the garden and then the hand of God lifts them up. 

All around the sanctuary are these huge gorgeous glass mosaics. They sparkle, which I cannot catch with my camera. There are signs telling you not to touch them because you might get cut on the glass.


The SEU from the Cave


Can you see the beehive and bees, the owl and owl’s nest, rabbits, foxes, snake, snails, doves, grapes, lilies, ladybugs, lambs, and more?

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