Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Wimping Out

 This weather is driving me nuts. I’m chomping at the bit to walk. However, it is cold and raining, which usually wouldn’t bother me, but this WIND is harsh. I have to pick up my group in Pamplona on the 28th. We were going to walk the next week but I can’t chance getting sick so I’m wimping out. We’ve booked lodging in Logrono and will wait out the storm there. 

Usually I wouldn’t be so paranoid. If I catch cold, I catch cold and keep on walking. However,  Covid has put a whole new spin on things. If I get sick, who will lead my group? Joe has his own group to pick up three days later. We have watched in shock as several people in the airport, bus stations and restaurants have literally taken their masks OFF to sneeze!! WTH PEOPLE!!??  So yeah, I’m concerned about staying healthy and that overrides my desire to walk. I’ll just have to go without training this year. Slow and steady I’ll go. 

A pilgrim was rescued yesterday from the Napoleon route. I tell people that first stage is tough in GOOD weather. I can’t imagine trying to make it in a snowstorm. But people are overconfident and don’t listen. It was a costly mistake. I suspect the cost of her rescue, which she WILL be billed for, will be in the thousands of Euros. 

Anyway, it’s a full week before we walk and I absolutely expect this storm to blow over by then. If not, we can make a decision to taxi or to walk the ValCarlos route. Nothing to do but ride the wave, wait, and see. We do have options. The Camino throws curveballs. It’s to be expected. 

We will be fine!



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