Sunday, December 24, 2023

What's Goin' On


It's been a few months since I've posted so I thought I'd catch up.

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. 
My middle son and ex-husband (the boys' father) came from Georgia and my eldest son brought his family from Portland. We met at my youngest son's house for a traditional Turkey dinner. 

Soon after, I took a two week vacation in Hawaii. 
My Camino friends, Paula and Gil, invited me. I spent 7 days in Kauai. It was my first time and it was absolutely GLORIOUS! We had so much fun!

The sunrises at breakfast . . .

Beautiful beaches

Museum Visit

Feather Lei

Waterfalls with Gil and Paula

Shaved Ice!

Malasalas (my grandmother never filled them!)

One of the highlights of the trip was seeing the nesting Albatross and learning about their lives. 

This male got up to let us see his egg.

More sunrises

Gil, Ollie, Frank, and Paula

Coffee and cake at the Lodge

More sunrises

Sadly, I missed the turtles but everyone else saw them

Breakfast at sunrise


The FOOD was sooo good!

We went tubing!

Warming our feet by the fire. 

On the 8th day I went to Oahu to visit my friend, Shelaine Carvalho. She was a very gracious hostess and I loved meeting her family and spending time with her. We went to the Polynesian Cultural Center one day/night. What a great adventure!
More photos...


Shelaine and her twin daughters

We met the King!

At the Luau we were right up front

Our wonderful guide

It was an incredible trip and I'm already saving my money
for NEXT winter!

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