Saturday, March 23, 2019

Carlsbad Caverns

I just realized that I didn't post photos of Carslbad Caverns!
Oh, it was a VERY cool trip!

I got in FREE with my America the Beautiful card.
If you pay $4 more (with the card) you can take a guided tour
to one of the rooms that is not open to the public.
I wanted to do that but I arrived at 8 am
and the first available tour wasn't until 2 pm,
and I knew I couldn't wait,
as I had to get to Ajo, Arizona that day.

Anyway... I have suggestions.

First - be there by 8 am when they open.
That way you can be one of the first in
and don't have to fight crowds.
(It was CRAZY crowded by the time I got back up top.)

walk down and take the elevator up.

The walk down isn't bad at all.
Yes, it's a bit steep in place,
but quite comfie most of the way down.
It looks like this, with lots of switchbacks,
and just a few steep places,
where you'll find handrails to hang on to:

Third, PLEASE do not take a flashlight
or a headlamp
You don't need it
and you'll blind other visitors with it.
There's plenty of light down there.

Here are a few photos.
I apologize, but I haven't really learned
to take good photos with this phone.
They don't do it justice at all.
This is one stop you won't want to miss!

The entrance

Lion's tails

Several pools in the caves, all from condensation

I did see these aliens too,
but they wouldn't speak to me!

I have a lot of other photos,
but they just don't do the caves justice.
Visit and see for yourself!
A great stop!

By the way,
if you're vanning,
you can sleep at the Walmart
instead of the State Park.
It's a lot closer.

Happy Trails!

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