Friday, March 29, 2019

Olives, Olives, OLIVES!

One of the things I'm trying to do is produce as much of my own food whenever possible. Sometimes that means harvesting wild foods like elderberries to dry for cold tea, cherry bark for cough syrup, or Oregon blackberries.  At Joe's desert house in Desert Hot Springs, California, it means harvesting olives from his back yard tree and the surrounding trees in the park.

These trees do not get sprayed and nobody is interested in fruit, it seems, except us.  In 2016, Joe and I picked and put up pounds of black olives!

Here is are links to those blogs:

There are maybe 3 more posts on putting up olives and you can find them by putting "olives" into the blog search bar along the side of the blog.

Last year, 2018, there were fewer olives. That's because olive trees produce one heavy year, then one light year.

Well, the good news is NEXT year, 2020 is going to be a bumper crop and we can't wait!  The tree is absolutely loaded right now and we're already getting excited! 

Check out these branches!

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