Monday, February 10, 2020

A Change of Plans - Surgery Cancelled Until After Camino

I had my 2nd Opinion appointment today with Dr. Nathalie Johnson in Portland, Oregon.

It began on a VERY positive note, when I got lost and a kind lady helped me find the office, telling me SHE had gone through breast cancer 2 years ago and that "You're lucky to see her! She is the BEST of the BEST!" I've heard that over and over the past few weeks.

Anyway.. long story short, she first told me to "go walk the Camino! It will help you! "

She told me she didn't feel this is an aggressive cancer at all (different from the 1st opinion) which eased my mind.

She prescribed a drug, Letrozol to "starve the cancer" and cause the tumor to shrink while I walk.

I must decide in the next two days if I will have a lumpectomy or a mastectomy upon my return in April.

I'm leaning toward the double mastectomy (DM) 
with no reconstruction, because I am 67, not 30, 
and really just want this journey to be concluded.

With a DM I would need NO chemo, NO radiation, with only a 1% chance of recurrence.

With a Lumpectomy, I would have to have several radioactive drugs intravenously, and would definitely have to have radiation afterwards for 4 weeks and I'm just not willing to put my body through that. In addition, the radiation itself can cause cancer. And after all that I'd still have a 4% chance of recurrence.

I feel my best chances of just getting on with life is to have the DM so that's where I'm leaning.

So.. I LOVED this doctor, and walked out happy.
She promised, by the way, to sing me to sleep during the surgery (she's known for that)

I'm still not feeling any fear, except for fear of the medication - it's strange, this journey - not sure why I need it, but here it is.

I have genetic testing on the 17th, then fly to Palm Springs to pick up Joe, then on to Madrid on May 4.

I'll start on the Frances, and depending on how tired the meds make me, may drop down to the VDLP if I feel like it.

Hope to see some of you on the trail!

PS: Stopped by New Balance and picked up my new trail shoes today.  I chose the 840 version 4, even though it is a running shoe not a trail shoe. It is built on that SL-2 shoe last that I love. 

It was a good day!


  1. What a journey you are on, Annie! Thank you for taking the time to update your faithful followers, as we keep you prayerfully in our thoughts! May this upcoming Camino be therapeutic and uplifting to both you and Joe! Happy trails!

    Pat & Paul

    1. Thank you both so much!
      I'm really looking forward to walking with you next season!
      Big hugs!

  2. I'm glad to hear that you have made a choice that works the best for your situation. Enjoy the Camino. Blessings to you

  3. So glad that you are on your way! Godspeed and in truest sense, Ultreia


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