Thursday, February 13, 2020

Flu and Letrozole

Well, I came down with the flu two days ago. Started with a sore throat and now is in my head and chest. Hopefully, all the supplements I have been taking will have boosted my immune system and this will be a short episode. I'm doing my best to "think positive thoughts," so I've decided I'd rather get the flu now than while on Camino!

I began taking my Letrozole on the same day. One of the side effects of Letrozole is aching joints, so I can't tell if the aches and pains are the flu or side effects. I believe it's the flu because I believe STRONGLY in the power of the mind, and here is what I do every night before taking the Letrozole.

I hold that wee orange pill in my hand and stroke it lovingly.
I tell it how wonderful it is
and how I KNOW it's going to help me live cancer-free.
I tell it to go do it's job,
to starve out any stray cancer cells and send them into the Light.
I tell it I will not have any adverse effects because I believe in it and know it's here to help me.
I tell it I love it.

Then I pop the little bugger into my mouth and swallow it!

I woke up alive this morning and THAT is a good thing!

I have an appointment on the 24th for DNA testing, just to be sure there aren't better ways to treat my tumor.

Then I fly back to Palm Springs to pick up my backpack and head out to Madrid on March 4.  I've decided I'll begin in Pamplona, walk a week to see how I do on the Letrozole (it's supposed to make you tired), then if no bad effects, I'll drop down to Caceres (where I left off a couple of years ago) to finish up the Via de la Plata.

Stay tuned!

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