Here I go...

One Adventure After Another!

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Adios Peregrinos!

I am in the process of taking down our website and deleting all posts on Facebook Groups and YouTube.

We have decided not to take any more groups... ever again.
Two years ago I said this, then thought I'd try one more time.
This season was twice as bad as last.

The Way is no longer a pilgrimage to the majority of walkers.
Although there are still, of course, wonderful people walking for religious/spiritual reasons, for many it has simply become something to check off a bucket list. A cheap vacation.

This season we experienced more attitudes of entitlement, rudeness, and childish backbiting behavior than ever before.

The blessed feelings of community, sharing, and kindness
among pilgrims are waning.

Instead of being grateful for a clean bed and a warm bowl of soup, people have become demanding and complain over meaningless things such as lack of windows, shared bathrooms, or lack of vegan menu options. It's madness.

It felt like Social Media on steroids.
It felt it was all about "me! me! ME!"

Instead of the sound of trekking poles,
the streets rang with the sound of rolling suitcases,
some as large as steamer trunks.

I feel weary and disheartened.

I'm glad we experienced the Camino when it was still
a spiritual pilgrimage,
a sweet time of sharing space
and helping each other.

Those will remain good memories.

Buen Camino!


  1. Nothing stays the same, alas!

    I owe you and Joe a great deal.

    Vaya con Dios, Fr. Jeffrey

    1. Thank you. We have much enjoyed getting to know you and wish you the best!

  2. Sorry to see you go. I hope that the Camino will get back to what it was. We are going to take a break as well from walking but not talking and remembering what it is or was and hopefully can be again once the “ fad “ where’s off.

  3. Oh my so so sad!
    I just wish I would have found you and Joe a few years earlier! My loss!
    Such great people with huge hearts!


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