Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Calling Prospective Pilgrims!
Anniewalkers has space in both groups for pilgrims who would like to walk the Camino but aren't quite ready to go alone.
We hope to have two groups of 8 people. One is being led by Joe Walsh, who has walked the Camino at least 7 times!
The other group will be a women-only group led by Robin Lieberman, a former peregrina from Portland, Oregon.
If you or someone you know are interested in walking with us, find the information here:
Anniewalkers Camino
Note: We are not a professional touring company. We are simple pilgrims helping pilgrims. Our prices reflect that, and our group leaders are based in the United States. If you're looking for group leaders with experience on the Camino, and a chance to walk the Camino YOUR way, check us out!
Buen Camino!
Friday, December 26, 2014
The Killing of the Wren: Hunting King Charlo
The wren, the wren, the king of
all birds,
St. Stephen's Day was caught in
the furze
Although he was little his honour
was great,
Jump up me lads and give us a
As I was going to Killenaule,
I met a wren upon the wall.
Up with me wattle and knocked him
And brought him in to Carrick
Drooolin, Droolin, where's your
Tis in the bush that I love best
In the tree, the holly tree,
Where all the boys do follow me.
Up with the kettle and down with
the pan,
And give us a penny to bury the
I followed the wren three miles
or more,
Three miles or more three miles
or more.
I have a little box under me arm,
A penny or tuppence would do it
no harm.
Mrs. Clancy's a very good woman,
a very good woman, a very good
Mrs. Clancy's a very good woman,
She give us a penny to bury the
Today, December 26, is Wren Day. It is also celebrated as St. Stephen's Day, though the celebration itself really has nothing to do with the saint.
The tradition consists basically оf hunting a wren аnd putting іt оn top оf а decorated pole. Then groups of men or boys dress up іn masks, straw suits аnd colourful motley clothing and, accompanied by traditional céilí music bands, parade through the towns аnd villages. These crowds аre sometimes called wrenboys.
In the folk
traditions of Greece, Italy, Spain, France, Holland, British Isles, Denmark and
Sweden, the wren is considered king of birds but also is believed to bring bad
luck and harm. As early as the
seventh century, carrizo was considered King when it appeared in one of Aesop's
fables. Plutarch attributes the
fable of the Eagle and the Wren to Aesop, though the story is not found in any
surviving collections of Aesop’s fables.
In the fable, the wren outsmarts the eagle in a race by
riding on its shoulders until right before the finish line, at which point the
wren suddenly flies ahead and wins
the race! Some believe Aesop’s
fable was taken from an ancient Sumarian tale about an elephant and a wren
rivalry. There are various versions of the tale. Grimm has a version of the
tale where the wren creeps into the breast feathers of the eagle and hides. In
another version, the wren rides on the crest feathers of the eagle, and when
the eagle, from the heights, proclaims itself king, the wren objects from its
higher position, challenging the eagle to “come up here!” The eagle is too tired, and the wren is
proclaimed King!
Some versions of the story have the eagle cursing the wren
to never be able to fly higher than the hedges. Others say all the other birds
were disgusted at the wren’s trickery, and since that day have driven the wren
from all open spaces and have forced him to take shelter in the hedges.
According to Elizabeth Lawrence’s book, “Hunting the Wren,”
a Welsh sequel to the fable states the other birds were sorrowful about the
outcome of the contest. They cried bitterly and decided to drown the wren in a
pan full of their tears. This plan, however, was foiled by the owl, who upset
the pan and spilled the tears. The birds then swore vengeance against the owl.
Ever since, he has not dared to go out during the day, but hunts at night when
the other birds are sleeping. Yet
another Welsh story says the wren fell to the ground and was injured during the
contest. The other birds made a broth to cure the wren but again, the
blundering owl upset the pot. Darn that owl!
At any rate, the wren was saved as was the title of King of
the Birds.
What is interesting to me is that in almost every part of
Europe, some form of the contest between the eagle and the wren exists, with
variations in North America and China. Perhaps the legend can be traced back to
Taliesin, a sun god in the British tradition, for whom the wren was a sacred
bird. The wren and eagle can also be found in the Mabinogion, where the wren is
the spirit of the Old Year killed at the Winter Solstice, and the New Year
rises like the eagle. I believe the origins of the story are even more ancient,
and that the Eagle represents Horus, god of the rising and setting sun, god of
the east and sunrise, born at the Winter Solstice. And how dare that dastardly
little wren foil the Sun?!
The wren is surrounded by an aura of sacredness whose
meaning is not easy to understand without some digging into those origins. In Ireland
it is popularly believed that "the robin and the wren are two saints of the Lord. "(The robin and the wren
are God's two holy men). In Cornwall, early last century, the children knew and
recited the following:
“He that hurts a robin or a wren
Will never prosper nor his land”
There are many folk traditions that speak the same warning.
From Sussex and Essex:
“The robin and the wren
Are God Almighty’s cock and hen;
Him that harries their nest,
Never shall his soul have rest.”
“Hurt a robin or a wren,
Never prosper, boy or man.”
In Scotland the wren was called the “Lady of Heaven’s hen.”
Despite that veneration, it was a custom in many parts of
Britain and Ireland to kill wrens on December 26. Sometimes it was done by
servants or peasants, sometimes by children, sometimes by mummers. The wren was
murdered and mounted, wings extended, on the top of a long pole, or suspended
by the legs in the center of two hoops set at right angles to each other, or
mounted it in a bush or holly branch.
The wren-boys then went from house to house chanting a rhyme and asking
for gifts of food or money. Sometimes the day was concluded by carrying the wee
body to the churchyard and burying it with chanting, singing and dancing. Though it seems cruel, the wren was most
certainly killed because it was a hallowed bird representing the Old Year, the
dying sun.
The tradition of hunting the wren survived in Galicia, northern
Portugal, southern France, England, Wales and Ireland until the middle of last century.
In some villages, it survives
still. Within these ancient
agricultural rites is the attempt to somehow magically stimulate the renewal of
plant and animal life after winter.
In Spain, these and other pagan festivals were censured by
San Paciano, Bishop of Barcelona (circa 370), St. Augustine (circa 400),
Cesareo of Arles (circa 480), and others. However, they were often glossed over
with Christian symbolism and have survived, nearly intact.
Sometimes, it was the priests themselves who brought the
traditions to the locals. The
hunting of the wren in Lourenzá, Spain, according Designed Tomé, was a
tradition that probably came to the monastery of that place with the French
Some authors assume that the apparent popular antipathy was
demonstrating against these little birds in the vicinity of the winter
solstice, was encouraged by the Church to end, or Christianize, the pagan
The sacralization of the wren certainly contrasts with its
year-end ritual slaughter; indicating that popular aversion is most likely the
manifestation distorted by the Church or simply by the passage of time, an ancestral
rite - the primitive sacrifice of
the king - represented here by a bird that acquired its supposed personality
under the beliefs about this rite.
An interesting aside:
a 1527 document on the hunt wren in Vilanova de Lourenzá, mentions an
important analysis of the origins of this tradition data. The wren commonly
referred to as Bird King, in the sixteenth century also received the name of
King Charlo. This could have to do
with the former emperor of the Franks, Charlemagne, though there is nothing to prove
(or disprove) that theory. However, considering Charlemagne was the one who led
the observance of the Celtic church to the designs traditional church of Rome,
it’s not out of the question.
![]() |
Art by Glass Candy |
Friday, December 19, 2014
But How Do You Find Your Way on the Camino Santiago?
The answer is WAYMARKING.
Waymarking is a term used to describe the specific symbol which is used to mark a route people travel. Waymarks sometimes follow the route in one direction, or in other cases allow a route to be followed in both directions. Following is an explanation from the Confraternity of St. James website.
The waymarking along the Camino Santiago is,in general, very good. In France, the route from St.-Jean-Pied-de-Port is part of the long-distance GR65 footpath, and is marked by the red and white flash of the GR network. There are separate red and white to indicate changes of direction, and a red line crossed with a white one to indicate that you have taken the wrong turning.
In Spain, the official mark is the stylized scallop shell on a blue background, which is often placed on the walls of houses well above eye level to indicate the route through villages and towns. In open country, one frequently encounters these signs are often found embedded in small concrete pillars. There are also signboards with this mark at the top, a pedestrian sign in the middle, and a direction arrow at the bottom; these are much used at road crossings.
The red and white GR flashes are also found from time to time in Spain. However, the most common mark is a yellow arrow, which may be painted on trees, rocks, kerbstones, storm water gutters etc. Sometimes a yellow stripe is painted on trees as a continuation marker for reassurance. Some other waymarks incorporating the scallop shell can be found.
When walking the Camino Frances or most of the other routes to Santiago, one does not need a map... you simply follow the waymarks!
Tuesday, December 09, 2014
Where's Annie?
The time has flown and I find I haven't blogged in a while.
Time to catch up!
Summer was wonderful in my new house,
but when the days began growing cold,
and my bones began to ache,
I knew I needed a change.
I called my friend Joe and said,
"You going to the desert this year?"
He said "yes!"
I made him a deal he couldn't refuse.
I agreed to drive and pay for the gasoline
in exchange for him letting me stay in the little sunroom this winter.
We had a hell of a drive in sheeting rain.
It was crazy!
We could barely see most of the way.
We saw several overturned cars and trucks.
People were driving too fast
and hydroplaning on the standing water!
We pulled into Hanford exhausted,
having driven straight through.
It was about a 14 hour trip.
I was happy to see my mom - she's doing well.
We spent about 3 nights in Hanford.
I needed to visit my Aunt Vena, who just turned 98 this year.
I also had to collect some DNA from my Aunt Jean, her sister,
so I could trace the family tree a bit more.
Then we were off to Desert Hot Springs to rest and relax.
I love this little place in the desert.
And I don't mind sharing space with Joe;
we've been friends for many years.
The park model has a regular bedroom where he lives,
but along the side, he's built a small sunroom.
It's a lovely little room with a bed and a desk.
I share it with the washing machine and a few tools,
but that's ok with me.
And now, I have a plan!
As some of you know,
I returned from the Camino last year
only to experience a strange case of tendonitis in my ankle
AFTER my return.
I have been seeing my chiropractor regularly
and the ankle is healing… slowly.
But the downside was
that I've been unable to walk any distance at all.
That combined with sharing my house with three men
who eat ice cream every night,
and my lack of self-control,
has led to a HUGE weight gain.
I look in the mirror and say,
"How did this happen?!"
Following the weight gain,
and most likely because of it,
my gallbladder began to complain.
So, I have a plan.
Here in the desert, there is nothing to do
but write, exercise, and enjoy the sunshine.
I've decided to concentrate on my health and writing.
In order to create accountability,
I'm going to blog my plan right here:
Writing and Genealogy
My writing will concentrate on my own family stories.
Several of my students have asked for a biography,
so that will be one focus.
Also, I have many stories and interviews
I have collected from the old folks in my family.
I need to get them written and in a safe place.
That will happen here.
Mixed in with those will be stories from the Camino.
Morning - Fat Burning Workout by Joyce Vedral.
I've used this workout successfully in the past
and hope to lose 5-10 pounds per month.
Afternoon - Walk
I began last night with only 10 minutes.
I will increase 5 minutes each day as long as my ankle holds up.
I hope to build up the strength slowly and not aggravate it.
Evening - Yoga
There are several nice bedtime yoga routines on You-Tube.
Last night I did this one and slept like a log!
I have ordered the herbs I need
to do a complete kidney and gall-bladder cleanse.
I will begin as soon as the herbs arrive.
The kidney cleanse takes 13 days,
after which I will do the gall-bladder cleanse.
The last time I did this cleanse, maybe 7 years ago,
I released several hundred gallstones.
In the meantime,
I'm eating healthy food,
watching calories and fat,
and drinking lots of water.
I feel less bloated already.
We have two Camino trips planned this year.
The Best of Both will be led by Joe and it is nearly full.
We are also doing a Ladies Only trip,
which will be led by Robin Lieberman.
You can read more about both
at our Anniewalker's Camino website:
We originally had three trips planned,
but the Ebola scare mixed with economic woes
apparently frightened some folks off
and people cancelled to the point we had to drop one trip.
It was a shame, really, because I feel flying is very safe
and Spain is one of the safest places in the world.
I'm much more comfortable walking alone in Spain
than most places in the USA.
Will I walk this year?
At this point, I'm going to say no.
I need a year to rest and recover from this tendonitis injury.
But I'll be ready to walk in 2016 for sure!
So there it is in a nutshell.
If you're interested in walking the Camino,
and would like to go with a small group, please get in touch.
We also offer a KickStart program which is very affordable.
With Kickstart, I give you all the information you need to plan your trip,
and am available for email, telephone,
and face-to-face Gmail or Skype chat.
For those of you planning your trip, I'm excited for you!
Please keep me in your prayers.
I REALLY want to walk next year!
Thursday, October 23, 2014
What's Going On?
I've been super busy this summer and haven't been blogging much.
I thought I'd write today and let you know what's going on in my life.
AnnieWalkers Camino Trip.
This year we have 3 trips planned. Group Leaders Joe Walsh and Annette St-Pierre are leading two groups, and hopefully, I will be leading a third, The Crone's Camino, which is a group for women only.
You can read more about the trip and the leaders at this link:
AnnieWalkers Camino
There is space in all three trips at this point. Two were full, but we have had cancellations for reasons from new grandbabies to the Ebola scare. It's still very early, however, so we are confident all three trips will fill up fast. This generally happens around Christmas.
My chicken run has a roof on it!
I'm frantically working to get the chicken coop and run finished so I can get out of the rain and spend some time at Joe's place in the warm California desert. The chicken wire still has to be put on, and concrete must be poured around the perimeter. And then the chickens will be much more safe from the raccoon family who live nearby.
I have 4 hens, two Barred Rocks, a Red Sex Link, and an Easter Egger. Three are laying regularly. The smallest Barred Rock is a month behind her sister, and I've given her one week to produce or she's going to be sold. I love these chickens! They're such funny little things. Watching their antics has given me a lot of pleasure, plus the added benefit of my own organic eggs.
Kallie, the laying Barred Rock, and Sissy, the Red Sex Link, produce lovely brown eggs.

Bella, my Easter Egger, produces beautiful blue eggs which are occasionally two-toned.

October and November are mushrooming months in Oregon. We attended the Mycological Society's Fall show this weekend. There were hundreds of mushrooms on display with cards indicating whether or not they were edible, poisonous, or just naming them. It was an awesome show!
Tuesday, Joe and I headed toward the coast to our favorite Chanterelle mushrooming site.
We both came home with enough mushrooms to give to friends and to eat for a week. Here is part of my harvest. In past years, I've gathered enough to can for the year, but this year, we just wanted enough for immediate use.
Those of you who have walked the Camino may have seen Chanterelles growing in the SPRING on the banks beside the trail to Pedrouzo.
At the mushroom show, I bought a block that will produce Shitake mushrooms and another that will produce Oyster mushrooms. I'm going to set them up today.
I thought I'd write today and let you know what's going on in my life.
AnnieWalkers Camino Trip.
This year we have 3 trips planned. Group Leaders Joe Walsh and Annette St-Pierre are leading two groups, and hopefully, I will be leading a third, The Crone's Camino, which is a group for women only.
You can read more about the trip and the leaders at this link:
AnnieWalkers Camino
There is space in all three trips at this point. Two were full, but we have had cancellations for reasons from new grandbabies to the Ebola scare. It's still very early, however, so we are confident all three trips will fill up fast. This generally happens around Christmas.
My chicken run has a roof on it!
I'm frantically working to get the chicken coop and run finished so I can get out of the rain and spend some time at Joe's place in the warm California desert. The chicken wire still has to be put on, and concrete must be poured around the perimeter. And then the chickens will be much more safe from the raccoon family who live nearby.
I have 4 hens, two Barred Rocks, a Red Sex Link, and an Easter Egger. Three are laying regularly. The smallest Barred Rock is a month behind her sister, and I've given her one week to produce or she's going to be sold. I love these chickens! They're such funny little things. Watching their antics has given me a lot of pleasure, plus the added benefit of my own organic eggs.
Kallie, the laying Barred Rock, and Sissy, the Red Sex Link, produce lovely brown eggs.

Bella, my Easter Egger, produces beautiful blue eggs which are occasionally two-toned.

October and November are mushrooming months in Oregon. We attended the Mycological Society's Fall show this weekend. There were hundreds of mushrooms on display with cards indicating whether or not they were edible, poisonous, or just naming them. It was an awesome show!
Tuesday, Joe and I headed toward the coast to our favorite Chanterelle mushrooming site.
We both came home with enough mushrooms to give to friends and to eat for a week. Here is part of my harvest. In past years, I've gathered enough to can for the year, but this year, we just wanted enough for immediate use.
Those of you who have walked the Camino may have seen Chanterelles growing in the SPRING on the banks beside the trail to Pedrouzo.
At the mushroom show, I bought a block that will produce Shitake mushrooms and another that will produce Oyster mushrooms. I'm going to set them up today.
My Ankle
My ankle is healing well. I have been seeing my chiropractor once a week and that, combined with gentle stretching exercise, seems to be working. I hope to strengthen it by walking in the desert after Thanksgiving.
The Economy
My middle son and his wife are losing their house due to the economic stress. He was laid off a few months last year and got about 4 months behind on the mortgage. He is working now but Wells Fargo REFUSED to work out any type of catch-up payment plan even though they were only $6,000 behind. Even the arbitrator agreed that they were greedy slime. Of course, they'd rather sell the house and collect $300,000 for it. At first this was very stressful, but the family has accepted it. They have put the house up for sale and are hoping to at least recoup some of their equity before they move to an apartment. Please put my family in your prayers that they might sell this house soon and have some money to get reestablished.
My Needle Felting
When we got a new roommate, I moved downstairs from two bedrooms to one bedroom, to make space. This left me with a very tiny studio space for my needle felting. Last week, I sorted and cleaned and organized. I'm ready for the holiday rush now.
If you're interested in seeing what I do to make extra cash, you can see my shop at this link:
I guess that's about all the news for today.
I hope you all have a wonderful Fall!
Until then,
Thursday, October 02, 2014
Walking the Camino - and Life - Unplugged
Recently, I've been attempting to unplug more,
as this ad suggests.
I think other folks are on the same page,
because this morning there were several posts on Facebook
addressing this issue.
Gabrielle Reece said,
TURNING OFF has become a major challenge for us, with cellphones and laptops giving us constant access to the world -- current research says that 75% of us use an electronic device within an hour of sleeping. The same research says that our habits with those devices are negatively affecting our sleep, which can have significant health repercussions down the road.
How do YOU sleep these days???
Then there was the awesome video post by Prince Ea:
It's not easy.
Electronics have become addictive.
I've attempted to unplug
- at one time I had 3 Facebook accounts.
Why three?
Well, there's so much politics on FB,
I wanted to avoid arguments.
I wanted to avoid arguments.
I had one account for my Christian right-wing friends,
one account for my pagan left-wing friends,
and one account for my felting and Camino friends.
It got crazy, the amount of time I was spending online.
So I cut out the two right-wing/left-wing accounts and kept the third.
But still, I'd catch myself checking FB before sleeping,
or checking Facebook before I'd even get out of bed.
or checking Facebook before I'd even get out of bed.
I tried making a rule.
I'd check Facebook and email only twice a day;
once in the morning and once before bed.
It worked about 2 days.
I continue to work on this issue.
The easiest way for me to begin unplugging
has been to not carry my cell-phone around.
I leave it in my bedroom unless I'm driving someplace.
If it rings and I'm busy, I don't answer.
If it's important, people will leave a message.
If it's an immediate family member,
like my mother or one of my sons, I do call back.
But more often than not, it's just someone wanting to chat.
And if I'm felting, which is my work,
it can wait until I take a break or have the time.
When I drive somewhere, I do take the phone,
but never answer it.
I take it in case I get stuck at the side of the road,
or leave my keys in my car, as I did recently.
Lately, instead of rolling over
and checking my Facebook on my iPad when I wake up,
I've begun grabbing a cup of coffee and reading,
either Rumi or Esther Hicks or the Bible
or something that might give me inspiration for the day.
Some mornings, when I don't feel like reading,
I'll take my coffee out into the back yard
and just study nature for 15-20 minutes
- just be thankful for waking up alive.
I have walked various Camino routes around a dozen times.
It has only been the ones where I led a group
that I felt I needed to carry a cell phone.
People are just more comfortable
when they know they can reach me.
However, when I walk alone, the phone is OFF.
Nor do I listen to a musical device.
Instead, I enjoy the sounds of the Camino
and use my iPhone to record them.
(Do I sense a conflict here? I'll have to mull this over.)
If I had an iPod, I would have missed the cow bells…
I would have missed the frogs croaking in the ponds on the Camino Madrid.
I would have missed the cuckoo in the distance,
the wind rustling the leaves in the trees,
and the rushing water in the river.
If I'd been wearing a iPod,
I would have missed being awakened by this men's chorus
in Puente la Reina…
Instead of being distracted by electronics,
I savor the smells,
bread baking in an oven,
freshly squeezed orange juice,
the smell of the upturned soil.
I walk with my eyes wide open for color -
the green of the forests and fields,
purple and red bunches of grapes hanging on the vine,
colored sheets hanging on a line,
or the diverse colors and shapes
of the wildflowers sprinkled along the route.
I look into the eyes of the pilgrims I pass.
There's much diversity there to enjoy.
I close my eyes and really SEE, SMELL, and TASTE the caldo,
the tortilla,
the gazpacho,
the grilled peppers,
feeling my tastebuds dance
as the various flavors tickle each one.
I want to be distracted by the CAMINO!
By the sights, sounds, and smells
of the wonderful exotic country I'm visiting.
I can't tell you how many times
I've passed a pilgrim wearing earbuds,
totally engrossed in their own little world.
While it's true, they ARE walking THEIR Camino,
I can't help but feel a little sad for them.
They missed the opportunity
to share words, ideas, laughter,
with someone from another country,
another culture.
Why go to Spain at all?
Why not just walk in their own neighborhood
listening to their iPod?
Why spend their life savings to come to Spain
to do what they could do at home?
I'd like to encourage you to unplug,
at home
and on the Camino.
Try spending a day,
in fact, try walking the Camino
WITHOUT a phone, iPod, iPad.
Every other pilgrim will have one, if you need help.
Nearly every albergue and hotel is plugged in.
You can use provided computers
to email your folks to let them know you're ok.
Try leaving the electronic security blankets at home.
After all, until about five years ago,
thousands of pilgrims walked the route unplugged.
They made it to Santiago.
You will too.
And though the Cathedral is lovely,
and they say your sins will be forgiven if you reach it,
I believe the Camino is about the journey,
not the destination.
Try immersing yourself in the experience.
You won't regret it.
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