I don't usually like to state which albergues have bedbugs because in general, it's not the fault of the management. An albergue can do everything in their power to eradicate bedbugs and all it takes is ONE pilgrim carrying the bugs to re-infest the place.
Most are responsible and will fumigate and clean the place up. However, there are SOME who just don't seem to care.
If you DO find bedbugs in an albergue, or suspect you've been bitten, please notify the hospitalero IMMEDIATELY! DO NOT MOVE ON TO THE NEXT ALBERGUE UNTIL YOU HAVE WASHED EVERYTHING IN YOUR PACK, INCLUDING YOUR SLEEPING BAG, AND FUMIGATED THE INSIDE AND OUTSIDE OF THE PACK. Please PLEASE be responsible.
A recent client carried bedbugs back to her home after a trip to Asia. Several THOUSAND DOLLARS later, she finally was rid of them in her house. You do NOT want to carry bedbugs home.
I suggest very strongly that upon your return home, you undress in the garage and put your pack and clothing into a black garbage bag to await washing in hot water and drying in a hot dryer. HEAT is what will kill them. If you return home in summer, put the black garbage bag out in the sun for several days, then wash everything.
Even if you have not been bitten, your pack can pick up the eggs in an albergue or pack transfer (sitting next to other packs), on buses and even on the airplane.
So... you've probably read my post on bedbugs. If not, do it now. You MUST know how to identify the bugs and their sign and their bites, which are usually in a group on your skin.
And now, the places I KNOW have had bedbugs year after year after year:
SAN JUAN de ORTEGA. A dark and dreary place. You can simply look at the walls by the beds and see they are covered with bedbug specks (feces). By now, if you are smart, you are walking BETWEEN stages, in which case you've stayed at Tosantos, Epinosa, or Villafranca Montes de Oca, and you can walk right past SJDO. I'd take a taxi to avoid it, personally.
HORNILLOS MUNICIPAL. Stage 13/14 in Brierley. This is the one with the chicken statue. I would NEVER sleep there! Supposedly, they've cleaned the place up. However, I continue to meet pilgrims with bedbug bites who have stayed here. And unfortunately, that doesn't leave you a lot of options in that stage. However, I would plan ahead to walk past it and maybe stay at San Bol, which only has a few beds but is a wonderful place with an ice cold healing fountain to soak your feet in, and a lovely family style dinner. Even if you have to arrive super early and sit and wait under the trees, it's a better option. Or Hontanas.
St. JAVIER in ASTORGA. Year after year, I've found bedbugs here and when I tell the management, they just shrug. It really makes me angry because it's a great LOOKING place and those who do NOT get bitten seem to love it. However, the management apparently doesn't give a crap and it's a shame, because after Astorga when I meet people who are infested with bedbugs, I ask if they stayed at St. Javier and the answer is almost always yes. I would avoid this place like the plague! The municipal in Astorga is quite nice, and there are some awesome hotels here also. There is a lot to see in Astorga. Consider getting together with another pilgrim and booking a nice room together. Take a break. But I would avoid St. Javier!!
MONTE DEL GOZO in Santiago. This is a HUGE albergue with 500 beds. EVERYbody ends up here unless they're smart and I've met lots of pilgrims in line at the pilgrim office who weren't bitten by bedbugs until their last night at Monte del Gozo. Santiago has a boatload of other options. Take a break and book a nice hotel. Within a couple of weeks of arrival, you should know the date you'll be there and can book a room. Or PM me for an inexpensive option I use every year.
Just to be clear, I know some of you may have stayed in these places and never seen a bug. But I walk the Camino nearly every year and these places seem to consistently have bedbug issues and IN MY OPINION, these are places to avoid.
Are you itching yet?
Buen Camino!
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